Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Corona Efforts by friends and alumni

Few Volunteer & Alumni Efforts that I am aware of or am involved with via various community and alumni groups

Can Reach me, Atul Kumar at +1 203 987 4452 on WhatsApp and will introduce to them directly

  1. Bangalore Biharis: A team of Biharis based in Bangalore led by Praveen Pandey is leading a team of Biharis based in Bangalore who is working directly with people who need help 
  2. Delhi Covid Avengers
    Team based in Mumbai led by IIMA alumni and entrepreneur Amar Chaudhary, who runs a startup Chakhna Shots 
  3. Mumbai: JPS Team by Aravind Kumar of Jharkhand based in Mumbai led from http://jpsngo.org who is working with people of Jharkhand based outside Jharkhand  
  4. Chennai / India: IIMA 2001 Sucharita Mukherjee  I am writing to you today to share some of the work that we are doing with reference to communication with reference to Covid 19. We noticed that much of the communication was designed towards middle class households. The notion of quarantine and social distancing in a rural context where even water supply could be common is much harder. With this challenge in mind, the Kaleidofin team lead by Hemnag and Vipul partnered with a public health NGO (Noora) to come up with these messages as open source, unbranded messages that can be used by everyone for all of their customers. We have been using these messages for the last few days and have witnessed very good listen rates. There is also a demand sometimes for the message to be repeated.Here is a link to the audio clips (in Hindi) that explain in some detail various aspects of COVID prevention in a manner that’s relevant to our customer base. We have been using this for some time and are getting 80 percent plus listen rates from the customers to whom these calls have been pushed. The below are provided:IntroductionAbout COVID-19 (in 2 parts) Hand washing (in 2 parts) Don't Touch Face  Social Distancing (in 4 parts)  Link to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16j1LpLUbpjhVM7NCm3XGng9lqEP8or94?usp=sharing  Do give us your feedback and do feel free to send these to others to who they may be relevant.
  5. AshaSV Asha Silicon Valley
    https://ashanet.org/covid-19-relief-fundraiser/SV  - Volunteer leads include Mubarak from Apple, Vidhya from Google,  Suhas from Nvidia, Deepti from Apple
    Chapter Meeting 4/15/2020
    Time : 7:30 pm
    This Wednesday's chapter meeting will be held ONLINE !
    Meeting Agenda
    1) HUT Renewal - Vidhya (7:30-8:20)
    2) Asha Darshan Renewal - Vidhya (8:20-9:10)
    3) BeT COVID-19 Emergency Fund Proposal - Chitra (9:10-9:30)
    Conference detail
    Dial in number: 650-334-3821 [No pin needed]  
    Screen Link: https://www.uberconference.com/room/ashasiliconvalley
  6. Sainik School Tilaiya alumni, reach me at +1 203 987 4452 on WhatsApp and will introduce to them directly
    Sunil Kumar - based in Caklifronia
    Anil Kumar - Sainik School Tilaiya alumni based in US is collectting help in Jehanabad. in Jehanabad, you can offer us helping  to collect goods or moneyand distribute it at local level in Jehanabad 

Saturday, April 04, 2020

This Pandemic Will End, The DATA Tells US so

Source: just a data based analysis by a friend Raju Chithambaram, Chief Architect in Intuit


We are seeing bigger numbers and unfavorable comparisons. 300,000 infections, 8000 fatalities, all serious numbers that should have us concerned. This post is an attempt to separate the facts from the fears, and bring calm through data.

First, let me get the noise out of the system. The US is not doing worse than Italy. The US population is five and a half times that of Italy. Comparing the US to Italy would be like saying the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Poland combined did worse than Italy.

Secondly, we see vanity headlines like "Fatalities now exceed 9/11 fatalities". This is irrelevant to the mitigation plan, unless we plan to bomb the virus.

Full disclosure -- this is a data model view (useful for correlation and trends). This is *not* an epidemiologist view. And even the data models are constrained because the data has covariance due to non-uniform testing and reporting. But the sample is still significant enough for us to learn.

Now coming to the data, which even amongst this gloom, offers us hope. If we measure the US as a whole, the single most important measure of spread is the daily new cases as a percentage of current cases. This was at a catastrophic 30% as recently as March 19 (which means doubling every 2 1/2 days). Thanks to the many measures we have put in place, that number has come down to about 12% daily growth (doubling every 6 days or so). We are doing a few things right.

What we could do better is bring consistency to our methods across states. Washington state growth rate is now down to about 5% daily growth, San Francisco bay area is getting there. These were the states and cities that were among the first to enforce "Shelter at Home" and other containment measures. The enemy is homogeneous in its methods, albeit not a visible one until it strikes. We could learn how these cities withstood this attack and quickly apply those measures elsewhere. Instead we are letting each state do it's thing. NYC is still up there. Lack of isolation in NY is the likely cause of new clusters emerging in NJ, Connecticut, Illinois. Louisiana and Florida are likely seeing the effects of not enforcing these measures earlier. The end result is a series of rolling peaks spread over time, where each state pays the price, and reacts to the peak instead of flattening and avoiding the peak. And there will possibly be secondary peaks in some states due to travel and transmission across state borders. If this continues, we will be dragging this out through August.

The call to action here is be the leader for your own communities and networks, and role model and enforce the social distancing, isolation and containment. The story told by the aggregate data is not as gloomy as the vanity headlines. We got it down from 30% to 12% -- that probably saved 10s of thousands of lives. This is still deadly serious, but we can limit the damage if we follow the measures taken by Seattle and the San Francisco bay area. En masse for four weeks

PS: The shorter version of this story reads "The second derivative of the exponent graph is declining, but not uniformly across states". But if you are like me, you cut calculus in college to go watch Sachin Tendulkar, Tom Cruise and Aishwarya Rai

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

I volunteer a lot, also manage many non-pofit entrepreneurs group, One of the mebers in IIM Family asked why don't we have a website and below is my response

[07:35, 9/11/2019] Atul Kumar: WEBSITE needs MONEY, DEV, CONTENT Team  currentl we  used WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook., LinkedIn since they are free

We have many entrepreneurship and alumni  that I am associated with
1) Bharat Entrepreneurs Network
2) Bihar Entrepreneurs Network
3) Jharkhand Entrepreneurs Network
4) Women Entrepreneurs Network  http://wen1.org

We have websites too wherever members were willing to pay or volunteers willing to develop

1) “IIM Society” https://www.iimsociety.org 
Funded by donations from 15 IIM alumni

2) http://wen1.org

made by Prajwal Sinha of https://kickhead.in/

3) My company
https://ren.ventures website made by @Jaipal Vaave Jaipal and his team of Vaave https://www.vaave.com 

Good Websites require technical team, content team  and money
[07:52, 9/11/2019] Atul Kumar: I also volunteer for few orgs and they all needed money too,

1) https://tie.org/ TIE
2) http://iimaalumni.us/ IIMA Americas
3)  https://motwanijadejafoundation.com/ Motwani Jadeja Fundation
4) https://rajeevcirclefellowship.org/ Rajiv Circle Fellowship

There are few proven models of having a good website and non-profit org,

1) An  entrepreneur/VC/Philanthropist  like Asha , https://www.doteduventures.com or or NRN Murthyhttps://www.doteduventures.com or Bill Gates https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ 

2) Donors/Chartered Members contribution - https://tie.org/ ; https://www.iimsociety.org/

Unfortunately I am not rich like Bill Gates or NRN Murthy or Asha yet. I am just a Poor philanthropist, volunteer who had big ideas and high NQ . https://networkquotient.org and likes to serve and help but NOT ENOUGH MONEY , YET
[08:31, 9/11/2019] Atul Kumar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HDtq0kH81yilTkBe_BQnIrUuV9CfSUk50VQwA10X58k/edit?usp=sharing

Shared the plan and ideas in a Google Doc
[08:39, 9/11/2019] Atul Kumar: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QSU7UgkuDngwYxuZwGfrmYDap0lMDH-mEw-cxgSY_rk/edit?usp=sharing

Plan for BEN Website , besides IIM Society, IIM Family am also associated with BEN, JEN, WEN etc too

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Updates from the Valley

It has been almost 2 years since we relocated to the Valley ( Silicon Valley) for my wife's transfer for a project with Apple. We packed and moved. Within few months I registered my venture, A++ Ventures. Also became an active part of the local community. I volunteered as an Ambassador to @TiECon 2016 and met connectors like +Monalisa Chati from @ServiceNow. Mona is key member of  @FOGSV by Dr @Romesh Japra , also participated in @GITPro , joined @HSS , attended meetings at +Stanford University , @UC Berkely  @Santa Clara University @San Jose State University. Visited various places like @LA with family members visiting from Hyderabad, London, Texas. Spent lot of my time in India too due to father's operation in AIIMS which went well. Used that time in Delhi to launch , Bharat Entrepreneurs Network at IIFT on 11th April with the vision of
 In between also attended 15th Reunion at IIMA, TiE Global Summit at New Delhi, Jharkhand Investor Summit at Ranchi, brother's marriage in Ranchi and few more. I had also helped the visiting delegation in meetings at Bay Area & New York, Raghubar Das-in-us-to-attract-investments

Lot of interesting events, people, accidents ... not a boring moment yet. Moved from San Jose to Pleasanton in April last week again due to wife's project and within 1 week disaster struck at family when my nephew Golu ( Satyam Shresth) met an accident on 1st of May at Bangalore and we rushed to Ranchi for 3 weeks

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

In one of the "whatsapp" groups I was asked, how do i manage to participate in conversations across time zones and response so fast.

Below is a lengthy but serious reply.

I wake up early and sleep early.

I have a non lethal non curable non communicable ailment called Multiple Sclerosis which I got diagnosed with in 2004 with fatigue and pain as main symptoms.

 I don't feel pain when I am busy reading, writing, speaking, walking or working , playing so I keep myself busy all the tine. Even while waiting for a train or car or flight I  am busy on my iPhone. This gives me little extra time than most people have. My day starts early around 4-5am. One secret I have learnt from some great leaders I have worked with is that they respond very fast. Saying no, saying not now/maybe later or actually responding/doing what they have to do. This makes sure their task list or mail list is small.

In case some person or group share lot of  jokes or useless forwards then I quit or mute .

Technology is the great enabler so I use technology s lot too. Also I focus a only on managibg my priorities, Health, Relationships, Finance, Experiences in that order.

Connecting , sharing and helping  is what  I am engineered for hence I help or share as much as i can and also enjoy and live happily most of the time in spite of deaths in family, setbacks in life.

Atul Kunar

answered in all seriousness with no sarcasm. You asked a personal question with lot of humour so I thought I can balance with a long serious answer. Today is also World MS Day so thought should spread some awareness as three is very little awareness in India as 70% of patients are Caucasian Females. Hope I could answer you politely and completely.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Another Day Another Challenge but will keep trying

Had an interesting mix of events/developments yesterday. One one hand lot of progress.

1) In one of volunteer projects, TYESV program, starting on 17th Oct made some progress with our team reaching out to few students for registrations, Jay sharing details of 45+ private schools in Santa Clara. Now we need to reach out to them

2) My Jharkhand project had a major set back when i discovered some secrets that might force me to go slow or only after careful due diligence

3) Also another bad news from Bihar that a convicted Murderer and Politician, Mohammad_Shahabuddin is out of Jail. He killed a school senior  Chandrashekhar jee , also my senior at JNU

Die Another Day 
My school has a strong connection. , he was caught under a school senior as DM and convicted by a Judge, Shivkirti who is school senior

So with all the developments there is something to cheer about and keep singing +Die Another Day Full Movie' 

Friday, September 09, 2016

I love inspiring, upbeat, high energy songs especially when things don't go well. Yesterday was another painful night so today I resumed what I do best, creating new blogs,

Here it is,

Die Another Day by +Madonna
I'm gonna wake up, dress, and go
I'm gonna kiss some part of
I'm gonna keep this secret
I'm gonna close my body now
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
Sigmund Freud
Analyze this
Analyze this
Analyze this
I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego
I'm gonna close my body now
I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go
For every sin, I'll have to pay
A time to work, a time to play
I think I'll find another way
It's not my time to go
I'm gonna avoid the cliche
I'm gonna suspend my senses
I'm gonna delay my pleasure
I'm gonna close my body now
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go (Uh, uh)
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Written by Mirwais Ahmadzai • Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

Tough Times don't last, tough People Do

Recently had a conversation with H Bala who is my mentor, role model and ex-boss. I was seeking some advice and counselling on career & personal side. His view was, don't worry much, just hang on and remember this , "Tough Times don't last, tough people do". This was a great mood lifter. Having seen Bala closely as my boss have all the believe that he might emerge as a really successful leader in the GE world. It is just a matter of timing.

Tough Times don't last, tough People Do

Recently had a conversation with H Bala who is my mentor, role model and ex-boss. I was seeking some advice and counselling on career & personal side. His view was, don't worry much, just hang on and remember this , "Tough Times don't last, tough people do". This was a great mood lifter. Having seen Bala closely as my boss have all the believe that he might emerge as a really successful leader in the GE world. It is just a matter of timing.