Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Corona Efforts by friends and alumni

Few Volunteer & Alumni Efforts that I am aware of or am involved with via various community and alumni groups

Can Reach me, Atul Kumar at +1 203 987 4452 on WhatsApp and will introduce to them directly

  1. Bangalore Biharis: A team of Biharis based in Bangalore led by Praveen Pandey is leading a team of Biharis based in Bangalore who is working directly with people who need help 
  2. Delhi Covid Avengers
    Team based in Mumbai led by IIMA alumni and entrepreneur Amar Chaudhary, who runs a startup Chakhna Shots 
  3. Mumbai: JPS Team by Aravind Kumar of Jharkhand based in Mumbai led from http://jpsngo.org who is working with people of Jharkhand based outside Jharkhand  
  4. Chennai / India: IIMA 2001 Sucharita Mukherjee  I am writing to you today to share some of the work that we are doing with reference to communication with reference to Covid 19. We noticed that much of the communication was designed towards middle class households. The notion of quarantine and social distancing in a rural context where even water supply could be common is much harder. With this challenge in mind, the Kaleidofin team lead by Hemnag and Vipul partnered with a public health NGO (Noora) to come up with these messages as open source, unbranded messages that can be used by everyone for all of their customers. We have been using these messages for the last few days and have witnessed very good listen rates. There is also a demand sometimes for the message to be repeated.Here is a link to the audio clips (in Hindi) that explain in some detail various aspects of COVID prevention in a manner that’s relevant to our customer base. We have been using this for some time and are getting 80 percent plus listen rates from the customers to whom these calls have been pushed. The below are provided:IntroductionAbout COVID-19 (in 2 parts) Hand washing (in 2 parts) Don't Touch Face  Social Distancing (in 4 parts)  Link to Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16j1LpLUbpjhVM7NCm3XGng9lqEP8or94?usp=sharing  Do give us your feedback and do feel free to send these to others to who they may be relevant.
  5. AshaSV Asha Silicon Valley
    https://ashanet.org/covid-19-relief-fundraiser/SV  - Volunteer leads include Mubarak from Apple, Vidhya from Google,  Suhas from Nvidia, Deepti from Apple
    Chapter Meeting 4/15/2020
    Time : 7:30 pm
    This Wednesday's chapter meeting will be held ONLINE !
    Meeting Agenda
    1) HUT Renewal - Vidhya (7:30-8:20)
    2) Asha Darshan Renewal - Vidhya (8:20-9:10)
    3) BeT COVID-19 Emergency Fund Proposal - Chitra (9:10-9:30)
    Conference detail
    Dial in number: 650-334-3821 [No pin needed]  
    Screen Link: https://www.uberconference.com/room/ashasiliconvalley
  6. Sainik School Tilaiya alumni, reach me at +1 203 987 4452 on WhatsApp and will introduce to them directly
    Sunil Kumar - based in Caklifronia
    Anil Kumar - Sainik School Tilaiya alumni based in US is collectting help in Jehanabad. in Jehanabad, you can offer us helping  to collect goods or moneyand distribute it at local level in Jehanabad 

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